Our Services

General Dentistry

General dentistry involves diagnosis of all problems related to health and function of the oral cavity, including treatment and teeth rehabilitation, gums and supporting structures.

Call Dental Zone today to schedule your examination!

  • Dental Exam

    Oral Radiographic Interpretation 

    Reading of all the information provided in the x-rays to be used for a presumptive diagnosis of dental cavities, tumors and cysts, bone loss, and oral anomalies.

    Dental Examination 

    Examination of teeth that have cavities and some dental restoration.

    Periodontal Examination

    Examination of the gums and surrounding tissues.

  • Dental Prevention

    Preventative Dentistry  

    Prevention in dentistry, as its name implies, is based on preventing or avoiding the appearance of different diseases and being able to decrease the degree of malignancy or destruction of structures of the mouth.

    Our prevention treatments include:


    It is the removal of the plaque and calculus (tartar) dental that is around the teeth; it prevents tooth decay and periodontal diseases. It is important to visit the dentist every 6 months and a good brushing technique.


    It is a prevention technique for posterior teeth (molars and premolars), as they have an anatomy that usually holds food that cannot be easily removed by tooth brushing; therefore this anatomical retention is modified with a thin layer of resin to seal the cracks of the tooth, thus preventing the dental cavities.

  • Periodontal Disease

    Periodontal or gum disease is one of the most common diseases and is responsible for tooth loss in many adults. This condition not only affects the oral cavity, but also has a big impact on overall health of patients who have it. Periodontics treats the diseases affecting the gums and bone around the teeth (supporting tissue).

    Periodontitis can be prevented; for this, it is necessary to properly brush their teeth after every meal and floss daily. The use of medicated toothpastes and mouthwashes can also help. 


    Gingivitis stage: the periodontal disease begins in the gum. This goes from pink to deep red, increases slightly in size, it slightly hurts and bleeds when brushing your teeth.

    Moderate stage: Gum retracts and it makes the teeth look longer. You can see large deposits of tartar on the teeth, especially in the lower front. There is a slight mobility of the teeth. Sometimes moving teeth and spaces between them are created. The gum appears red and bleeds easily. Halitosis (bad breath) and bad taste. Sometimes very cold drinks or very hot foods produce pain.

    Advanced or severe stage: All the above symptoms are increased. The teeth move too much until they eventually fall. Gum bleeding is constant and painful, preventing the patient from properly brushing, a fact that further aggravates the problem.

    Periodontal  Treatment

    If the patient has gingivitis, performing a dental cleaning (prophylaxis) to remove accumulated plaque and tartar on our teeth will be good enough.

    The treatment for the periodontitis is to remove the bacteria from the periodontal sac, known as scraping. When the periodontal sac is very deep, periodontal surgery will be needed to prevent the infection.

    To prevent periodontitis, it is essential that have good oral hygiene after every meal with a good tooth brushing technique (for 2 min), toothpaste, and mouthwash.


    Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily to remove plaque from between the teeth and under the gum line.

    Undergo regular dental checkups (every 6 months). Preventive care helps prevent problems from occurring.

    Eat a balanced diet restricted in foods with starches or sugars. When you eat these foods, try to do it with a meal rather than between meals to minimize the number of times your teeth are exposed to acid produced by bacteria.

    Use dental products that contain fluoride, including toothpaste.

Conservative Dentistry

Conservative dentistry aims to save and preserve a diseased or damaged tooth, either by decay, attrition or trauma. It is about all those treatments that try to avoid tooth extraction.

Tooth decay is a bacterial disease that attacks and destroys the hardest substance in the body, which is the dental enamel. If not detected and treated early, the decay will continue to grow and penetrate the tooth affecting other parts and tissues such as the dental pulp. At that time, the decay causes severe pain.

Dental plaque is formed when the bacteria and food join together. If this is not properly removed and let to accumulate, bacteria will generate acids that attack the tooth surface. If not detected, it starts growing caries that will attack the dentine. At this point, the decay begins to manifest with pain. If we continue without remedy, the decay will continue it progress reaching the dental pulp, where the nerves are located. At this point, the patient infection causes intense pain. In the last phase, the decay will reach deeper tissues such as gum, bone and periodontal tooth abscess may form, which is terribly painful and can cause tooth loss.

Treatments include:

  • Obturation (Filling)

    It is performed to restore the part of a tooth that has been damaged by the existence of a cavity. Once it has been removed, the anatomy of the tooth is rebuilt.

  • Tooth Crown

    In those cases where a cavity has affected much of the tooth structure, a crown that rehabilitates the functionality of the natural tooth is placed.

  • Inlays

     It is a reconstruction of the tooth that takes place when it is difficult to access the affected part of the tooth. Therefore, part of the work is done in the laboratory.

  • Root Canal

    Root canal treatment is performed to remove the tooth nerve and blood vessels, and therefore the vitality of the damaged tooth. It is performed under local anesthesia, it is painless and allows us to reconstruct and preserve the teeth that would otherwise be extracted. In this way, the teeth can continue to fulfill their functions of mastication and esthetics.

    Early detection and treatment can prevent natural tooth extraction and loss of bone that supports it, while eliminating dental infections will ends the pain.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry, as its name implies, covers everything that has to do with beautifying the teeth. We use treatments such as teeth whitening, and reconstruction that will improve the smile and teeth quality of life.

The reasons for cosmetic dental treatments vary for each patient. From whitening teeth that have been darkened, replacement of damaged teeth, or changing the shape and size of the teeth.

The most frequent cases are gum problems (receding gums, swollen gums, etc.), misplaced teeth, broken teeth, small teeth, large teeth, missing teeth, bad bite; dark or yellow teeth, stained with tobacco, coffee, and tartar.

When a person is not satisfied with his smile, it is best to consult a cosmetic dentist who will analyze the best solution for the patient and who can give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

Most common cosmetic treatments include:

  • Teeth Whitening

    Dental Zone-Cleburne-Texas-Teeth Whitening- Before and After

    Totally harmless to the tooth, the teeth whitening treatment occurs without damaging the enamel.

  • Porcelain Veneers

    A minimally invasive treatment by which we can design the patient’s smile by adhering thin slices of porcelain that allow us to modify the teeth' shape, color, and size.

  • Dental Crowns

    Fixed prostheses that are made on the teeth to protect them against a fracture or to restore cosmetics and functionality. Today, thanks to the new technology, we can use art materials without metal, such as high-strength ceramics, thus solving the issue of metal allergies, suffered by some patients.

Pediatric Dentistry

Treatments are aimed for prevention and oral health care of children and adolescents. Temporary dentition requires treatments ranging from obturations (fillings) for repair cavities to root canals (pulpotomy) for the resolution of deep caries.

Pediatric dentistry works very closely together with orthodontic specialties. Restorative treatment mainly consists of treating trauma, use of a sealant, which is a thin layer for the fossa and fissures of teeth without removing dental structure to avoid tooth decay, and treatment of cavities. It is recommended to have a dental checkup every 6 months.

Children in general are too lazy to do their dental hygiene, therefore, parents should help their children acquire the habit of brushing their teeth every day, several times. It is proven that daily hygiene contributes to a large decrease in oral diseases.

Oral Rehabilitation

Oral rehabilitation is the branch of dentistry responsible to restore form, function and esthetics of broken or missing teeth, designed to replace teeth or missing teeth in order to improve chewing, speech and esthetics.

  • Fixed Prostheses (Dental Bridges)

    The fixed prostheses are those that cannot be removed by the patient, it is being adhered and supported by pillars as own teeth or dental implants. It is what is commonly known as dental bridge.

  • Removable Prostheses (Dentures)

    Dental Zone-Cleburne-Texas-Dentures-Old vs New

    The removable prostheses are those which the patient can remove from the mouth when desired (metal with acrylic partial and natural dental color denture).

  • Bruxism

    The most common treatment to prevent bruxism is a bite ferule. This prevents tightening or grit teeth, causing atrittion and pain.

Conscious Sedation

Conscious sedation with nitrous oxide is an excellent safe and effective alternative that has been used for many years. Nitrous oxide is composed of oxygen and nitrogen which, when combined, produce a mixture that can be administrated to the patient through a nasal mask, which produces a calming effect and relaxation and at the same time maintains them awake and able to talk to the treating dentist. Nitrous oxide, sometimes called “laughing gas,” is an option that the dentist can offer to make you feel comfortable during certain procedures. This technique is useful for patients who are anxious and afraid of dental procedures.

Oral Surgery

It is the surgical procedure used to correct a wide range of diseases, injuries and defects of the oral cavity.

Dental Extraction

Tooth extraction can be simple or surgical. The most common procedure used for teeth extraction is simple extraction. If it is necessary to exert excessive force to extract the tooth, or if a substantial part of the tooth crown is missing and it's difficult to access the dental root, then surgical tooth extraction is recommended.

  • Why Dental Extractions Are Recommended

    • Broken teeth, split, fractured, affected by tooth decay that can not be rebuilt.
    • In cases of advanced periodontitis, cysts, and complicated sinusitis.
    • The teeth that are poorly positioned or incorrectly oriented and cannot be recovered with orthodontic techniques.
    • Impacted teeth.
    • Tooth extraction for orthodontic purposes.
    • The tooth extraction prevents the infection spreading to other teeth and the entire body, prevents bone loss, and developing periodontal disease.


It is the surgical procedure used to reshape the alveolar processes to achieve greater uniformity and a better adaptation for the partial or complete removable prosthesis. It should remove the least possible bone remodeling since the post-extraction involves a decrease in the alveolar bone. It is important to remove all bone spicules, and sharp edges to keep teeth as rounded as possible.

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